Some discoveries of 1492

Eastern Antiquities and Renaissance Europe

Door Alexander Nagel

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Alexander Nagel uses a Renaissance painting by Andrea Mantegna, depicting the adoration of the Magi, to show how it may inform our knowledge of the terms “antiquity” and “eastern”. What was an antiquity in this period, and how was eastern understood? He argues that by tracing these two terms we can not only refine what “Renaissance” might mean, but also illuminate how the designation “Europe” came into being, that is, how a geographical designation was transfigured into a cultural identity.

This book contains the text of the seventeenth Gerson Lecture and is published by the University of Groningen and distributed by Primavera Press.

Paperback, 2013, 46 blz., 6 ill., 13 ill. in kleur

ISBN 978-90-821-900-7


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